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Simple facebook share button
(for 30 days)
Script will be sent to your email and can be used only on domain name which you’ve set during payment.

If you find an error during trial period, you get the script for free!

In trial mode we randomly reserve 50% of sharings

Lock a block of text

To lock a block of text just name the function with jQuery object which you want to lock


Did you get stuck between your own minds and opinions?

It's time to do something!

Write your own thoughts and opinions, share them and get the followers on social networks!

Methods of unlocking

We offer 3 methods to unlock content

  1. Default method ( example). Share link ➜ Show invite to click the link in social network ➜ Click the link ➜ Return to the site and get the content.

  2. Locked text will be visible immediatelly after user returns to the page. This is very easy for user but there is no guarantee that he really shared the link.

    	mode : 'fast'
  3. Locked text will be visible only after user clicks on the shared link but there is no automatic message after he closes the share dialog.

    	mode : 'slow'

Yesterday I visited an interesting Reykjavik and beautiful Barcelona.

Today I'm in well-known Athens and in a couple of second I'm planning to visit an ancient Petra. You must be wondering how. It's very simple. I just open my internet browser, google some place where I want to be in that moment and whoala! I'm there!

You can always change the default notice text by adding parameter notice in options.

	notice: 'My notice'

Lock images, video, audio and any HTML content you like

It is necessary to wrap images and videos into div. You can always change the appearance and text of the locker.

		header : 'Text before buttons',
		footer: 'Text after buttons',
		buttons: {
			facebook : 1,
			twitter : 1,
			google : 0,
			tumblr : 0,
			pinterest : 0,
			vkontakte : 0,
			odnoklassniki : 0
		css: {
			color: 'red',
			background: 'navy'

Second locked block

You can lock as many blocks on the page as you like without any intersection problems. You can use .lock function in chain.

My 70-year-old grandmom wanted to sign up on twitter and instagram.. So I helped her, created an account, explainted how it works, showed her the basics etc. Couple of months later she was the most popular "girl" among her friends. I started to laugh at all that. Her answer to my laughing was: "I don't care. You just laugh, I'm popular, I have all the social networks accounts, everybody on a daily basis likes my post, shares and twits them.I've just downloaded my premium widget app on my new android. And you don't even have the time to check out your e-mail!"
According to legend, St. Patrick declared february 29. the day when women can propose men, tired of waiting them to make the first step.Couple of centuries later Margaret, Queen of Scots, passed the law that woman should and have to propose her belowed one and if he doesn't agree, punishment would be a kiss, clothes or money -whatever a girl wants.

Addblock detector

		header : 'Addblock has detected on your site',
		footer : 'To unlock the content please stop it and reload page',
		buttons : {
			addblock : 1

Block locked with sharethis.com and other popular share button plugins

You can use any share plugin to lock your blocks. The main and important condition is that it is necessary to allow system to add unlocker code in back link. To do this do not use automatic url provided by share plugin but replace it by {{url}} literal. The best way is to do it by adding parameter to it`s html activator.

ShareToAccess.lock($('.hide_share_this'), {
	buttons: "<span class='st_sharethis_large' displayText='ShareThis' st_url='{{url}}'></span>",
	footer: 'Don`t forget to click shared link in your news feed! (you can write any custom text here)'
Hello world! I've just been born! As I can see this new world, I like it very much! You have very nice stuff like share, tweet, follow, like... Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Share to Access.

Block locked with addthis.com

ShareToAccess.lock($('.hide_add_this'), {
	header: 'You can use addthis.com sharer or any other, please add {{url}} mark to data-url so system can add unlock code (it is important)',
	buttons: '<div class="addthis_sharing_toolbox" data-url="{{url}}"></div>'
I know what you think... This is something I've already seen a thousand of times. But you are wrong. Each time you use share, post, like, tweet or follow buttons, you learn something new and different. You are then one like, share, post, tweet... wiser. The best and simple social share plugin

Lock all blocks once again

share@khom.biz Яндекс.Метрика © KHOMSTUDIO LTD